This crazy futuristic cooking simulator under development by the Tokyo Institute of Technology uses 3D technology to recreate the cooking environment.
All posts by Rich
Hidden Facebook Smileys / Emoticons
Notice: This article is now outdated and the smileys may not work anymore! Facebook is the ultimate social tool and with it comes the need to express ourselves beyond text. That’s where smileys (emoticons) come into play and you’ve probably used the standard set of smileys that you can see in the Facebook chat smiley […]
30 Funny Puns, Funny Phrases and Sentences
I am a nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect. I stepped on a Cornflake, and now I am a cereal killer. Isn’t having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section in a swimming pool? What happens if you get scared half to death twice? Why is Saudi Arabia free […]
Microsoft Windows Progression Timeline – The Rise of Windows
Since Microsoft first created Windows, the operating system and computing world has progressed further than we could have imagined over 20 years ago. Here’s a nostalgic timeline of Microsoft’s operating systems.
Funny and Weird Place Names
So you’ve probably passed a place and thought “what an odd name,” but did they they surpass these crazy place names?
15 Funny ‘Out of Order’ Signs
Out of order signs tend not to catch one’s interest, but occasionally, if you look hard enough, you may find one of these gems!
The Health Benefits of Kissing
Kissing isn’t just for affection, it also has some real health benefits. Here are certain explanations why you may as well invest a little more time showing affection in this form. French kissing increases saliva production, which helps to wash away bacteria. This means kissing can help prevent tooth decay and cavities. Kissing is known to be […]
Fact Images and Navigator
Some facts on the site now feature images to go with the fact. Please feel free to like and/or share these on social networks such as Facebook. You can now also navigate between facts with images using the left and right icons next to the images. Here’s a demonstration page: